Last summer we had the idea to re-work the blog into something that would be updated daily, whether that was showcasing new work or just talking about things we were into. As time went on, we realized it was impossible to post something new each day ... and to top it off - it probably wasn't necessary.

However, Jordan came up with an idea the other day that seemed pretty cool - and workable. He recommended that we do a weekly link drop of things that are catching our fancy. Just 5 links a week that we've been digging. Seems pretty easy to me - so we'll try it out.

1) The Visual Language Of Herbert Matter - Really looking forward to this documentary. If you don't know who Herbert Matter is, google him now. One of the most under-appreciated designers of the 20th century. One of my fav's.

2) Milton Glaser in Seattle - Yes I'll be there. Yes I hope I can shake his hand. What happens when you don't read the fine print? You find out that this is a documentary featuring Milton Glaser, not the man himself. Oh well, the film was great ... and I've clearly been working too much.

3) Golden Gems blog - Why did I just find out about this?

4) Alexander Girard goodies at House Industries - Nativity sets, puzzles, shirts & more. Mouth watering & wallet killing.

5) Julius Shulman: Modernism Rediscovered - A Christmas gift from my wonderful wife. This is an amazing 3 book set featuring the stunning photography of over 400 modern gems by the master Julius Shulman. And it probably weighs 60 lbs.

OK, so there we go. We'll try to do this regularly - Ryan and I will toggle each week. Happy internet-ing.