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Buy this record. It'll melt your face off! CD booklet comes complete with die-cut holes where the snake bites are. The manufacturer cut them too large, so no complaints about how "a snake would never leave holes that big." We know... We know.

Here's one of the images that I illustrated for the new Agony Scene record on Century Media. The booklet has a handful of other skull illustrations. This one is for the cover. Pen and ink, watercolor and violence.

Given the fact that it is currently 93 degrees in Seattle, I decided to post the new Falling Up cover - which features the album title made out of blocks of ice. Each letter was around 2' tall and took approx. 12 hours to melt. We rented a van, carted them around Seattle and shot them in about 5 different locations. This shot ended up being the cover, which was at a park in downtown Seattle. Stay tuned for the rest of the packaging.

Our cover for Billboard, featuring Korn. We were supplied with 3 individual shots, all on a white background. The art direction: "Do your thing". I'll be posting our work for Korn's new album in a few weeks ...