Filtering by Category: Illustration

Grain Edit (Dave Cuzner and crew) have been very generous to us over the years - responsible for putting our work in front of many fresh faces. So when they asked if we'd like to create GE's first ever T-shirt design, we quickly obliged. As many of you know, Dave has quite the book collection (we've been known to collect a few over here as well), so the idea of a few critters lending an ear to a story about our favorite blog seemed quite fitting. And with today's announcement from The Times, the story seems that much sweeter.

We're extremely honored to be part of Grain Edit's Holiday Giveway Bash! featuring incredible art and collectibles from peers, friends and heroes. We're donating two 16" x 16" Giclee prints as well as our new Winter Fishing Hole! Gift Card from Target loaded with $25 to buy your uncle that Die Hard DVD he's been wanting or the ear muffs your dog has been hinting at. If we could enter, we would! Winners announced December 18th.

I gotta be honest, apparently I've been living under a gigantic rock and hadn't heard of the awesome NOTCOT until today when they posted a really cool write-up titled Art Of The Gift Card showcasing some of the new holiday Gift Cards at Target. They even went above and beyond and devoted a special something to our 'Winter Fishing Hole' Gift Card/Game. We've actually been getting reports that they are selling out at stores (that's a good thing, right?) but you can find them online through 12/31.

Oh, and yes I'm multi-tasking by kicking myself while adding the NOTCOT RSS feed to my daily visits.

We thought it might be fun to show you our last 3 Wired editorial pieces ... as well as their extremely humble beginnings. Some artists spend a great deal of time getting their sketches just right in order to save time on the final piece - concentrating on small details at the end, and in turn wrapping it up quicker. Us? Well, our early conceptual stages involve paper, pencil, a scanner and around 2 minutes. Our goal is to quickly convey our thoughts on composition, perspective and balance. Then of course we anxiously wait for the fun part to happen after our editor says "Go!"

All illustrations are featured in the 'TEST: Burning Question' section each month.

Dolorean: "How Do I Future-Proof My Digital Media?" Trees: "How Do I Make My GPS Better?" Man: "Why Don't I Have Wireless Internet Everywhere?"