Filtering by Category: Design

Spring has sprung! Well, maybe not quite yet ... but the 2012 Lawn & Patio seasonal display at Target has. These ginormous faux birch trees were a blast to create  -- and definitely worth checking out in person. As usual, this project wouldn't have been possible without the amazing design team at Target, lead by our talented (and hilarious) A.D., Jon Erickson. Oh, and please don't attempt to climb the trees, unless you plan on feeding the squirrels. Typefaces used: Giza and Neutraface.

Is it summer yet? Not quite, but with last night's (bitchin') lineup announcement for the 2012 Sasquatch! Festival - we're getting close. The festival poster and identity remains at the top of the IC "Pet Project" heap each year, thanks to our client and friend, Adam Zacks. So if you see a haphazard vegetable oil-fueled modified recliner with scrapped airplane turbines and tree stumps for wheels carrying 'Squatch and his renegade gang of animal misfits - you're on the right road. See it bigger in our work section.

And check out the rad animation by the folks at Wintr.

Looking for a little sun amidst those long, cold and blustery days? We suggest the new 'Winter Getaway Blend' packaging we created for Seattle's Best Coffee and the fine folks at Creature. As obvious fans of all things caffeinated, this was a real treat to work on. Big thanks to Dave Taylor, Kaylin Fitzpatrick and Cara Schwartz at Creature for the fun project. Get a slightly closer look in our portfolio. Only available in SBC Cafe's.

Well, The Spit Swap has come and gone. The 2-night stint with yours truly in Portland and Mr. Draplin laying it down in Seattle was one for the record books. Portland, I can't thank you enough for cruising out to The Ace to watch me sweat it out up there as I attempted to tell our scattered story. It was a fun night of sharing great conversations with real folks. I had a blast. And Portland - your art, design and illustration community is one to be envied. Hats off to you nice people ... Massive high-fives to Eric Hillerns for the hospitality and for dreaming this baby up. Seriously. Aaron Draplin (and family!) for the obvious reasons. The man has talent in about a zillion areas, including the English language. But you guys knew that.

And of course The Ace Hotel, Lloyd Winter, Duane King, 52 Limited, Always With Honor, Portland AIGA, Fort Port ... the list goes on. Thanks to everyone who helped out, brought beer, food, tweeted, you name it. THANK YOU!

A few rad shots of the night, courtesy of long-time broseph Mr. Arges:

We stopped by the mighty W+K to visit one helluva guy Lloyd Winter and to apparently have our socks knocked off by the sheer awesomeness in that building. Wow.

"Yup, that's a bear"

Before the gig started, we stopped by Instrument's new spot to see our buds and visit the infamous teepees. Incredible space. Incredible talent.

J.D. and Vince giving us the tour ...

"Is this thing on?"

We meet at last ...

Tyler and Elsa from Always With Honor with a touching and funny introduction ... thanks again, guys.

Zac strong-arming folks into buying paper and sticky things ...

"It's just a theory" ... Duane, Josh and a few others hear me out regarding my thoughts on relativity.


Anyways, it was a rad night. Thanks again, Portland.

We recently had the luxury of working with Rhymesayers Entertainment once again, this time for Seattle-based artist Grieves. RS is one of the only labels still investing their time, effort and finances into elaborate physical packaging... because they care and they believe their listeners deserve it. And obviously we love any opportunity to work with cool, innovative people to create unique packaging and artwork. Check out this video of the new Grieves package for "Together/Apart," and be sure to pick up the record June 21st.